Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Quote of the week and free coaching reminder
K "Unlike the mind, the heart finds it difficult to lie." Executive EQ, Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizations, Robert K.Cooper and Ayman Sawaf
Remember, next free coaching half-day, this coming Saturday, November 27th, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Eastern. Email me to reserve your spot.
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
Remember, next free coaching half-day, this coming Saturday, November 27th, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Eastern. Email me to reserve your spot.
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Stress test
Great resource for an easy stress test, called the Dolphin Stress Test:
If the test indicates a high level of stress, take advantage of a free consultation by reserving a spot for the November free half day of coaching that will take place on Saturday, November 27 (instead of the planned Friday).
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
If the test indicates a high level of stress, take advantage of a free consultation by reserving a spot for the November free half day of coaching that will take place on Saturday, November 27 (instead of the planned Friday).
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
Monday, November 15, 2004
"We scream loudest when we lie to ourselves." And this happens even when we are not aware we are lying. Self-awareness, the foundation of emotional intelligence, is a skill that can grow as long as we live. And that is very fortunate. Often we reach a point in life where we feel we have done all the growing there is to do. I remember some twelve years ago thinking that I "had arrived". Well fast forward twelve years and I amaze myself with all I still don't know, not only about the world, but mostly about myself. And it's absolutely wonderful to see that I am definitely not done yet growing, not only older, but also up.
Coaching tip: Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive your emotions and remain aware as they happen. This includes the awareness of how you tend to respond (or react) to specific situations and people. From this awareness will come better self-management. This week, write ten situations, both a work and in your personal life. Rate them by how appropriately you respond to each. Choose two where you tend to react in a way that is causing you problems and come up with different alternatives to deal with those.
Marguerite Tennier,
The coach who wants to change the world
One man at a time
Coaching tip: Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive your emotions and remain aware as they happen. This includes the awareness of how you tend to respond (or react) to specific situations and people. From this awareness will come better self-management. This week, write ten situations, both a work and in your personal life. Rate them by how appropriately you respond to each. Choose two where you tend to react in a way that is causing you problems and come up with different alternatives to deal with those.
Marguerite Tennier,
The coach who wants to change the world
One man at a time
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Your dreams speak
Whatever we don't face and resolve in our waking hours will show up in our dreams. What are you dreaming about? If you don't listen to your inner voice, your dreams will contain the seeds of the solutions. Keep a writing pad and jot down your dreams immediately as you wake up. Because our dreams are symbolic, they often don't make "rational" sense. Who are you in your dreams? Who do invite in your dreams? Who shows up to scare you? Listen to how you feel after a dream. Your intuition has your best interest at heart; your intuition is the voice of your heart. See what's it trying to tell you.
Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
The coach who wants to change the world
One Man at a Time
Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
The coach who wants to change the world
One Man at a Time
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Risking to make peace
I met a friend recently who was beaming. She had just heard from a someone she cared for deeply, after almost a year. My friend had imagined that this person hated her because the last time she had heard her voice, her friend was very cold and angry. She was relieved to hear from her and to learn that her friend had been scared to be rejected if she risked showing up again. To paraphrase Rhonda Britten, author of "Fearless Living: live without excuses, love without regret", fear's job is to keep us safe. Fear is stored in a part of our brain that stores data but cannot differentiate. That part of the brain has never learned to be emotionally intelligent. That part of the brain has not grown up, it has not matured. It acts just like the child who sees "something is really wrong here", but instead of assigning the responsibility to the right person, generalizes or even worse, takes the blame. Once the wheel of fear starts spinning, it gets out of control as we let our imagination do what it does best, i.e. imagine the worst. If we let it happen, we can litterally get into a full blown panic attack. Whatever we feed grows. Remember, FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.
Coaching tip: next time you are afraid of doing, saying, being something, ask yourself the following questions:
- is that the truth or am I imagining it? if it's a pattern of fear, chances are you are imagining it. Because fear is as intelligent as you are, you will then find evidence and a whole lot of rationalizations and intellectualizations that you are right. If that happens, take the fear and decide to make your desire bigger than the fear.
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
Coaching tip: next time you are afraid of doing, saying, being something, ask yourself the following questions:
- is that the truth or am I imagining it? if it's a pattern of fear, chances are you are imagining it. Because fear is as intelligent as you are, you will then find evidence and a whole lot of rationalizations and intellectualizations that you are right. If that happens, take the fear and decide to make your desire bigger than the fear.
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
Monday, November 01, 2004
I love Mondays
I do. I actually do. I look forward to another week of work. Don't get me wrong. I love my weekends and I would not dream of less than my regular three-day weekends. What's great about Monday is that I love my work. Everything I do as I work in or on my business is pure joy. Can you say the same or are you reading this and thinking that's not possible, at least not for you? Do you look forward to starting a new week or do you suffer from the "Sunday evening stress syndrome"? Is your stress related to working with a less than emotionally intelligent boss (there are solutions for that also) or is it because you stay at that job because going for what you truly want is too scary: you might not be good enough, you might not have as much money, or any of the myriad of excuses you find every day to not take that risk. If that's what you say, you most likely don't feel very alive and passionate about Mondays or even life in general. The answer to a lack of passion and energy is simple. Simple but not easy. If you knew you only had five years to live, would you take that risk? Well, I am sorry to wake you up. You don't know how long you have. Maybe a day, maybe a week, a year or twenty. You have the key to your prison cell. Use it. Like the ad says so well, "Just do it"
Have a fabulous Monday
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a time
Have a fabulous Monday
Marguerite Tennier
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a time