Monday, November 15, 2004



"We scream loudest when we lie to ourselves." And this happens even when we are not aware we are lying. Self-awareness, the foundation of emotional intelligence, is a skill that can grow as long as we live. And that is very fortunate. Often we reach a point in life where we feel we have done all the growing there is to do. I remember some twelve years ago thinking that I "had arrived". Well fast forward twelve years and I amaze myself with all I still don't know, not only about the world, but mostly about myself. And it's absolutely wonderful to see that I am definitely not done yet growing, not only older, but also up.

Coaching tip: Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive your emotions and remain aware as they happen. This includes the awareness of how you tend to respond (or react) to specific situations and people. From this awareness will come better self-management. This week, write ten situations, both a work and in your personal life. Rate them by how appropriately you respond to each. Choose two where you tend to react in a way that is causing you problems and come up with different alternatives to deal with those.

Marguerite Tennier,
The coach who wants to change the world
One man at a time

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