Sunday, May 25, 2008


Saying yes, saying no

Which area of your life could use a little pick-me-up? Let me guess. Is it the place where you feel least comfortable saying no? No to the boss who expects you to stay late without warning, no to the friend or family member who surely does not expect you to say no to a request. Or is it saying no to that too-big-too-sweet dessert? One way to make it easier to say no is to remember that doing so means you are saying yes to you, to what you need and want for yourself - more time, to be healthier, rest, fun - yes, it's ok to want more fun in your life.

Choose the area where it's most difficult for you to say no and, you guessed it, do a few rounds of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping. Do it a few times a day before you are faced with the yes or no decision. For example "Even though I find it difficult to say no to _____, I totally and completely love, accept and forgive myself." The more you will tap in advance, the easier it will be when the occasion happens to say no to the friend, the boss or the piece of cake.

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Boomers winding down

Part of my work both as a therapist and as a coach is to help my clients get more balance in their life. To take time to exercise, play, sleep sufficiently and last but not least time with their loved ones. And I do all of this, regularly, religiously, daily. What I find myself doing, once in a while, and it just happened now, on one of my days off, is to mentally calculate whether I have been productive enough. Shouldn't I do something I can measure like a bit of housekeeping, before I can feel I have the right to go out at one of my neighbourhood coffee shops for a good coffee and to read my book, The New Earth by E. Tolle (great reading, by the way).

Winding down from a full time job can be a challenge if the past 30 or 40 years of your life have been about being productive. Retiring soon? Do all you can to do it in phases - from a 5 day a week to 4 and then 3. This will help you transition. And if like me you find yourself almost feeling guilty for all that free time when you can just be, just be aware of it and go to your favorite coffee shop. See you later. I am on my way out.

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
Therapist, coach, teacher
Addiction and Wellness expert

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Being too "this" or too "that" and Emotional Freedom Techniques

While all of us have blind spots - that is a lack of awareness of some parts of our personality or how some traits may work against us, we all have at least one "I am too..." It can be sensitive, or serious, or disorganized, or messy, or, or, or, or maybe it's a "not enough" this or that.

Choose the one "too" or "not enough" that you most use for yourself and do a few series of EFT tapping, "Even though I am too (insert), I totally and completely love and accept myself". Do the full sequence 10 times every day for the next 7 days.

For more information, you can check my website: and visit the official EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) site:

Enjoy Spring and enjoy your life more with EFT

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Do you think you have resolved it all?

Hello again: after a great holiday in Mont-Tremblant and a not so good bout of the flu, I am back.

One of the most common comments I hear from my clients at the beginning of our therapy relationship using EFT is "I have done a lot of work on my issues". And most have done months, even years of therapy on major childhood and other issues. I then start asking questions, to first get to know them and to give me some clues. More and more questions and with each answer I usually ask, "On a scale of 0 to 10, what is the emotional intensity of this?" "! Oh!, almost nothing, 3 or 4, sometimes, I get "Not much 5 or 6". By the time I stop asking questions and wrting down the intensity level of stuff, my client is amazed to see that there is still a mountain of unresolved stuff, but because it's often much smaller than what they started with, they assume it's not important.

If you still find yourself stuffing yourself it means that you have succeeded to minimize what's bothering you but you have not resolved it.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can free you of those small mountains of stuff that are keeping you in the cookie (or cake or pizza or chips) jar.

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.

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