Thursday, December 13, 2007
Speed highway or the scenic route
What does the Christmas Season mean for you? If you answer busyness, spending money (and getting those bills in January), and generally running around tired or exhausted with so many things to do, think again. It does not have to be that way. You can make the Season what you want it to be: time for great meals with family and friends. Time to practice your favorite sport. Time to sit down and watch one of the Christmas specials on TV with a bowl of popcorn with your loved ones. What's good about older movies is that they usually have a slower pace and this also helps to get off the speed highway.
Are you living the way you want to live or by Society's rules? Are you ready for this change? Take time every day between today and the New Year, even just 10 minutes, to reconnect with who you are.
Until my EFT site is up, you can visit: and learn the EFT technique to help you get calmer. You can also send me an email if you are interested to work with me using EFT.
Your coach
Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
Counselling and coaching for women
Wild Wellness and Confidence
Your Inner Lion Queen Transform-Action
Coming soon:
Are you living the way you want to live or by Society's rules? Are you ready for this change? Take time every day between today and the New Year, even just 10 minutes, to reconnect with who you are.
Until my EFT site is up, you can visit: and learn the EFT technique to help you get calmer. You can also send me an email if you are interested to work with me using EFT.
Your coach
Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
Counselling and coaching for women
Wild Wellness and Confidence
Your Inner Lion Queen Transform-Action
Coming soon: