Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Update, a note on "Prevention" and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Good morning to everybody and to those of you who have emailed me wondering why I was being silent for sooo long. Five months. Life happened and I also took time to take further training, enjoy the summer and last but not least prepare for and travel for a month in Italy.

This was my first trip to Europe and I chose to travel solo. The thought of being part of a large group and having to first get up at the crack of dawn and follow made it easy for me to decide to travel alone, although I was slightly petrified at the thought of being alone in a foreign country for such a long time. But I am a Fearless Living coach!!!! So letting fear decide was not an option. I prepared as best as I could. Took an 8 week course to learn basic Italian and added an Italian TV station from Rome to my basic cablevision service. I listened to a lot of television since May, with my dictionary right beside me. I also made sure I made reservations for accommodation in each city I was planning to visit ( is a great place to use).

My 28 day in Italy was wonderful - I landed in Rome and travelled by train to Venice, then Firenze (Florence), Sorrento - magnifique Sorrento, the Almafi Coast and back to Rome. It all went too fast and I secretly plan to return one day.

This trip was an incredible occasion to move out of my comfort zone. Because the fear was real. The last few nights before I left, I had nightmares. But like I said earlier, letting fear was just not an option. I feel incredibly more confident about traveling alone. I must say that some Fear Junkies were around to scare me when I announced my project. "Aren't you afraid, a woman alone, in Italy?" "You are brave" and many other such comments.

Are you slightly envious? Do you wish you could fulfill a dream? Are you letting fear decide? By the way, I became aware before I left that using the pain in my knees as an excuse that I could not travel to Italy..... Well, I used EFT (see below) and my knees survived a lot of walking. Be on the lookout for the excuses, I mean reasons, you tell yourself to justify not taking a risk.

Now, about prevention. I had the chance to experience first hand the famous Mediterranean diet - lots of good pasta, olive oil and fruits, vegetables, beans and fish - that pasta con frutti di mare - and a little bit of meat - of course gelato - the best in the world and those sinful croissants filled with cream with a cappucino for breakfast at Franco and Valentino on Via de Aranchi in Sorrento. What struck me most about food in Italy is that quality not quantity. And most Italians shun fast food and they walk a lot - which I also did and my weight remained stable. So my word about prevention is choose quality instead of quantity. Buy the best chocolate and eat one piece only. Cook the best meal and savour it. And of course, walk. A lot of walking a day will keep the doctor away.

Talking about keeping the doctor away, I continued my level II training in late August and I have not been able to stop using it or talking about it since. I have used it with clients for cravings, high levels of emotional distress and last but not least, chronic physical pain. In fact, I was my most satisfied client. I have advanced osteoarthritis in my knees with very little little cartilage left. Even if there is structural damage (my left left is slightly bowlegged), EFT helped me to clear whatever emotiona component I was storing there.

I will write more about EFT in a next post. . I have registered a site for my EFT practice (also a recent project) and will post it as soon as it is completed. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about it, visit, the official EFT website where you can read hundreds of articles on the many uses of EFT and you can also download the EFT manual at no charge.

Have a great day and
See you soon


Wild Wellness and Confidence
Your Inner Lion Queen Transform-Action

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