Monday, January 22, 2007


A system for your 2007 accomplishments

What have you decided you want to accomplish in 2007? Have you taken consistent steps toward your goal since New Year's Day?

There are good chances that if you have set some goals also known as "resolutions" and you don't have either a system or a support system, you may find yourself at the end of 2007 without much progress.

One way you can set up a system is to use your day planner and block time for the following week to work on your project. What works great for me is to discipline myself to work on my project before I give myself permission to do a favorite activity - i.e. yoga before coffee, speech writing and practicing before going for a walk. Even doing whatever is important before I open my computer to check my emails.

This is one way you can make yourself accountable to yourself and make it more likely that you will celebrate the end of 2007 as the year you did what was truly important for you.

Your coach

Marguerite Tennier,M.A.

Wild Wellness and Confidence Coaching
Your Inner Lion Queen Transform-Action

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