Saturday, February 18, 2006


The Winter Olympics - Fearlessness and Resilience

Where ever you are in the world, there is a good chance you have had a chance to watch at least some of the competitions of the Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy.
What a wonderful occasion to view resilience and fearlessness in action by most of these young people. While all participants would love to stand on the podium, most of them know even before they start that they have very little chance to finish among the first 3 and in some competitions, among the top 10. I have watched many of the competitions, one of them the new snowboard cross where four snowboarders come down at full speed hoping for first place. The younger olympian, the more fearless they appear. And even when they fall half way, they get back on their board and finish the race.

Have you given up when you did not get first place? Given up on love? Given up on more success? How would a life coach help?

Can you imagine any athlete succeeding without a coach?

Your coach
Marguerite Tennier

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