Sunday, January 01, 2006


Develop passion

Happy New Year

I went to a funeral on Dec. 30th - the father of a young friend died on Christmas day. During the service, people were asked to name one quality they admired in that man during his life. Many qualities were mentioned, courageous, dependable, persistent, kind, generous. His life partner said he was anything but lukewarm. Hot or cold, yes, but no half-measure. For me, that was the definition of passion.

Whatever quality you want to develop, make sure you sprinkle generously with passion.
Passion in your work will trick you into thinking that you are playing, not working. Passion in your relationships, your convictions will give colour to all of your life. Passion will move you over obstacles and help you to make molehills out of mountains.

Your coach
Marguerite Tennier

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