Thursday, December 22, 2005


Family reunions: gold mines or mine fields

This is the time of family reunions. Family members can be your best cheerleaders and Fear Busters. Sometimes, however, they can act as your Fear Junkies and in a word or sentence, you can feel you are five again and it's not fun.

If you have big dreams or projects, choose wisely whom you will tell. Protect your dreams. Remember that people who habitually let their fears control their life will react to your risk taking and will tell you all that can go wrong if you take a risk. Parents unfortunately fall into that trap of being Fear Junkies. They want to protect their children from any pain, forgetting that we grow through risk. They don't know that you have what it takes and that every time you face a fear, you fell more vibrant and passionate.

And if some members of your family are frankly toxic - i.e. bad for you because they put you down, are agressive or violent, make sure you have a Plan B to follow if you feel threatened in any way, shape or form. Better yet, visit when those people are not around and/or plan your own celebration with people who love AND respect you.

Have a wonderful Christmas or Hanukkah

Your coach

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