Thursday, June 09, 2005



"Meaning is not something you stumble across, like the answer to a riddle... Meaning is something you build into your life. You build it out of your own past, out of your affections and loyalties... out of the values for which you are willing to sacrifice something....The ingredients are there. You are the only one who can put them together into that unique pattern that will be your life. Let it be a life that has dignity and meaning for you."

John Gardner, professor at Stanford, as quoted in: Executive EQ: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizations, Robert K. Cooper, Ph.D., and Ayman Sawaf

Are you searching for meaning? In some ways, consciously or not, all human beings are turning toward the light, or what we often mistakenly see as the light. We don't have to improve who we are, we just have to accept the reality of who we are and decide what we can do with the lemons that life has given us, because those lemons have shaped us into a unique being with a 100% unique flavour. Let the world know this awesome flavour called "you". Don't use artificial sweeteners to produce a bland copy of someone else. Just find the best recipe for the ingredients you possess.

Coaching challenge: What are some of the lemons of your past that you have worked hard at ignoring or hiding? Look at some the creative and positive ways other people with similar lemons have put their mark on the world. Come up with 3 ways you can make those lemons into the most memorable lemonade that will give meaning to your life.

Your coach
Marguerite Tennier, M.A

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