Monday, June 13, 2005


Allow for intuition

" don't just need more intuition, you need better intuition..."
Executive EQ - Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizations
Cooper & Sawaf

One of the surest way to learn to hear your intuitive voice, is to allow time at the beginning of the day, before life takes over, to write down whatever comes to mind. Julie Cameron, author of the Artist's Way recommends writing three pages every morning - just writing, even if at first all you can think about is, "This is silly", "I have nothing to say", "I am not a writer", and whatever else your internal fears are saying.

The only condition is to write EVERYTHING that comes to your mind, about work and about the rest of your life. Being radically emotionally honest with yourself, about it all. Ideally, you will keep your writing and review it weekly, but if this prevents you to write everything because of fear that someone may read it, then just write, read what you've just written and shred.

Coaching challenge:
Commit to writing your three pages every morning for a month, O.K., commit for a week if one month seems too much of a commitment. Then evaluate whether it has increased your ability to hear that inner voice of intuition.

Your coach
Margurite Tennier

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