Monday, December 06, 2004
Do you listen to yourself?
There is an expression in French that says "Il ne faut pas trop s'écouter." Litterally translated it means "you must not listen to yourself too much". While it may be true at times when we tell ourselves excuses not to move out of our comfort zone, for the great majority of human doings (and there are more and more of those each day), this little sentence can be your worst enemy because it says, don't trust yourself. It's the same voice that says "You are not good enough unless you are doing something" and it calls you name, like lazy, when you choose to relax and do nothing. If you find yourself tired a lot, with too many things to do all the time and the feeling that you can't change anything, then it's time you start listening to your self and honor what your soul and your body are telling you before you get a stronger message in the form of illness or burnout or depression.
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Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time
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Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time