Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Unhappy and Uninspired?

Do you have it all? Is your plate full? Why then do you feel overworked, unhappy and definitely uninspired? Do you have your choices or do you find yourself with a lot of what you don't want, like or enjoy? A little bit like being served pizza when what you crave and love is chinese food. Except when this happens in your life in regard to your career, it often feels like there is no solution but to keep going because "you've invested so much". Well, investing in a life you dont' want is like investing in a stock that has become worthless. If you recognize yourself, don't give your resignation tomorrow. There may be other options besides leaving. First, figure out what you really enjoy doing. Are there parts of your job you truly love? Spend some time figuring whether you can re-write your job description to do more of what you truly enjoy. If you have a boss, speak to her/him. If you are self-emplyoyed, do some brainstorming. Get some colleagues to help you come up with ideas. If you truly want to go for what you truly love, I encourage you. (I have done it myself a couple of times). Draw a plan, see how your financial reserve can support you. If you don't have a reserve, are you willing to use the equity in your house? (I did). I feel life is too short to "tough it out" while sitting on a pile of money! Examine the fears that are keeping you from making a move (as a Fearless Living coach, I can attest to the fact that most if not all of our actions, choices, problems are the result of the fear that at some level we are not good enough - depending on what your main fear is, you may turn your back on love or you may stay in a unfulfilling job - in both cases, you don't believe in your magnificence. Yes, I said magnificence. Yes, you.
What are you willing to do to risk trusting I am telling the truth? Are you willing to start by daring to dream and then writing it down?

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
The Coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time


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