Monday, July 26, 2004


All work and no play?

A few months ago, I got a call from a corporate professional who was devastated. His wife wanted to leave him. She was tired of being a widow. He admitted he worked long hours and brought work home and often worked on weekends and felt that was his job in life to make sure he was successful. He could not see any other way of living and although he said he very much loved his family, he just could not commit to being coachable (willing to do things differently). I heard last week that his wife did leave and I was really sad I had not been able to help.

It is easy when we are in business for ourselves or have big corporate jobs to let work take all the space. Over and above the actual long hours, we often spend a lot of time thinking about work when we are with family or in down time.

Do you work over fifty hours a week? Over sixty hours a week? More? If you add commute time and lunch time, your personal life most likely suffers now or will soon. If you are single, you may find you don't have energy left to develop and nurture friendships - maybe your friends have stopped asking you to join them for activities. If you are in a live-in relationship and/or have children, there is a good chance you don't participate in their life much. I once had a client who told me she and her husband rarely saw and/or spoke during the week. His work took over seventy hours a week! They may also be in divorce court now. Workaholism is also often used as an escape from dealing with a less-than functioning relationship or less than interesting life.

One of the best methods to divorce proof your marriage is to give your relationship the same priority you give your work. And the best way to have a life is also to give it the same priority you give your career.

Need help figuring it out? Email me ( to receive the Coachability Index to see if coaching is right for you now and then we can schedule a free consultation. This subject is one of my top passions and I love to support you to design a life based on what you want.

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
The coach who wants to change the world,
One Man at a Time


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